Irvin's Story

Yeagerstown, PA

Irvin has struggled with hearing loss for many years. He had been wearing only one hearing aid for the past few years. When his old hearing aid was no longer fitting his needs, he was having more and more difficulties communicating with family and friends. Growing increasingly frustrated, Irvin reached out to Miracle-Ear in Yeagertown, PA. Miracle-Ear Hearing Specialist Mark Hill tested Irvin and confirmed the need for two new hearing aids. When they found that the cost of hearing aids was out of Irvin’s reach, Mark suggested that he apply for assistance from the Miracle-Ear Foundation.  Irvin was approved and fitted with donated hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare. Irvin is extremely happy with his new hearing aids. He is excited to hear things again using two hearing aids and enjoy more conversations with his family. He is finding that he needs to turn the volume down on the TV since it is now too load. Irvin is so grateful for the help Mark and the Miracle Ear Foundation has given him with the gift of sound.

Irvin's hearing aids are so helpful that he is finding that he needs to lower the TV's volume.