Michael's Story

Brentwood, PA

Communicating was becoming extremely difficult for Michael, he was asking everyone to repeat things. Michael was becoming increasingly frustrated that he could not hear his family and friends. He was especially frustrated that he could not hear his daughter. That’s when Michael reached out to Miracle-Ear in Brentwood, PA. Michael was tested and told that he needed hearing aids by Miracle-Ear Hearing Specialist Lori Crider. It was quickly brought to their attention that the cost of hearing aids was out of Michael’s reach. Lori suggested that he apply for assistance from the Miracle-Ear Foundation.  Michael was approved and fitted with donated hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare. Michael is incredibly happy with his new hearing aids. He is excited to be able to hear his daughter and friends again. Michael is looking forward to easily having conversations without having to ask others to repeat themselves. Michael is so grateful for the help Lori and the Miracle-Ear Foundation has given him with the gift of sound.

Michael is incredibly happy with his new hearing aids. He is able to easily hear his daughter and friends again.