Dale's Story

North Huntingdon, PA

Dale has struggled with hearing loss with many years. Communicating was becoming exceedingly difficult for him since he had to constantly ask his family and friends to repeat what they had said. Dale had to turn the television a lot louder than it used to be and he was having trouble understanding what was being said. This was when Dale decided to reach out to Miracle-Ear in North Huntingdon, PA. Miracle-Ear Hearing Specialist Patty Hovanec tested Dale’s hearing and confirmed that he needed hearing aids. Dale quickly discovered that the cost of hearing aids was out of his reach. Patty suggested that he apply for assistance from the Miracle-Ear Foundation. Dale applied and was approved and fitted with donated hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare. Dale is thrilled with his new hearing aids. He is looking forward to having long, clear conversations with family and friends. Dale’s family is thankful to have the TV at a normal level. Dale is so incredibly grateful to the Miracle Ear Foundation for giving him the gift of sound!

Dale used to constantly turn up the TV volume, but now he can have clear conversations with his loved ones.