Paul's Story

Johnstown, PA

Paul has struggled with hearing loss for many years. The current hearing aids he was using were not meeting his needs. Communicating with his daughter and grandchildren was becoming exceedingly difficult for Paul. He was growing tired of having to ask them to repeat everything to him and felt like he was missing out on part of their lives. That is when Paul decided to reach out to Miracle-Ear in Johnstown, PA. During Paul’s evaluation, Miracle-Ear Hearing Specialist Andrew tested Paul and confirmed the need for hearing aids. Both Paul and Andrew quickly determined, however, the cost of hearing aids was out of his reach. That’s when Andrew suggested Paul apply for the Miracle-Ear Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports underserved individuals with their hearing needs. Paul was approved by the Miracle-Ear Foundation and was fitted with donated hearing aids. Paul not only got what he calls his “new ears” but also life-time aftercare. Paul is so excited to be able to hear his family and friends and being parts of their lives again. Thanks to the Miracle-Ear Foundation, Paul won’t have to miss out on part of his daughter and grandchildren's lives anymore. Paul is incredibly grateful for the help Andrew and the Miracle-Ear Foundation has given him with the Gift of Sound.

Paul's previous hearing aids were not working for him, but he can hear much clearer with his new hearing aids.