Hanna's Story

Alpharetta, GA

Hanna Gashaw, a 41-year-old woman, moved from Ethiopia to Georgia with an analog-powered hearing aid that offered up little amplification and a lot of distortion. She had difficulty hearing what she enjoyed in life which includes watching movies and listening to spiritual songs. Hanna reported that communicating at work, with her family, and friends was extremely challenging. Hanna came to Miracle-Ear in Alpharetta, Georgia to see the consultant on staff, Wossen Bezabih—born in Ethiopia. After a complete evaluation and finding out that financially it would be a struggle for her, he suggested that she apply for the Miracle-Ear Foundation. Hanna was approved and fitted with hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare. Now, Hanna has Miracle-Ear hearing aids, and she can hear and, more importantly, understand the world around her. Finally, Hanna can enjoy watching her movies, and listening to her songs. She plays soccer. She can communicate with her friends and family. She doesn't have difficulty at work. According to her brother, Elias, "she doesn't have difficulty with anyone. Hanna is happy." The Miracle-Ear Foundation and Wossen helped her to hear the gift of sound and continues to help her to this day. Since the Miracle-Ear Foundation started in 1990, more than 21,000 hearing aids have been donated to more than 11,700 recipients throughout the U.S., and the Foundation continues to help an increasing number of people every year. For more information, visit miracle-earfoundation.org.

Hanna’s old analog-powered hearing aids were no longer helping her, but now she can communicate with her friends and family with ease.