Martin's Story

York, PA

Martin has had a hearing loss since he was 2 years old. Communication and understanding people have always been exceedingly difficult for him. Over the years, Martin has had to leave employment due to his hearing loss. Growing more frustrated, Martin decided to reach out to Miracle-Ear in York, PA . Miracle-Ear Hearing Specialist Paula Wildasin tested Martin and confirmed the need for hearing aids but found that the cost of hearing aids was out of his reach. Paula suggested that he apply for assistance from the Miracle-Ear Foundation, and Martin was approved and fitted with donated hearing aid. Martin is thrilled with his new hearing aids. He is extremely excited to be able to understand and communicate better with others around him. Most importantly, Martin has had his first opportunity for a promotion with his work now that he has his new hearing aids. Martin is so grateful for the help Paula and the Miracle Ear Foundation has given him with the gift of sound.

Martin has been struggling with hearing loss for years, but he is now up for promotions at work now that he can hear better.