Raymond's Story

Johnstown, PA

Raymond, a local resident of Johnstown, has struggled with hearing loss since he was a child. He has gone his entire life with difficulties hearing during conversations with friends and family. Raymond was getting tired of always asking everyone to repeat things to him. That is when Raymond decided to reach out to Miracle-Ear in Johnstown, PA. Miracle-Ear Hearing Specialist Tiffany tested Raymond and confirmed the need for hearing aids but quickly determined that the cost of hearing aids was out of his reach. Tiffany suggested that he apply for assistance from the Miracle-Ear Foundation. Raymond was approved and fitted with donated hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare. Raymond is thrilled with his new hearing aids. His eyes lit up the moment the hearing aids were placed in his ears. He was able to hold a conversation where his charming personality was able to shine through. Raymond is extremely excited to hear all the sounds he has spent his entire life missing and cannot wait to see how well being able to hear will impact his whole life. Raymond is so grateful for the help Tiffany and the Miracle-Ear Foundation has given him with the Gift of Sound.

Raymond has been struggling with hearing loss since childhood, but now he is grateful for the Miracle-Ear Foundation and the Gift of Sound.