Stacey's Story

Titusville, FL

Stacey has taught young children for decades and has enjoyed having tons of conversations with children over the years. When she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she had to take a leave of absence from work and go through aggressive chemotherapy. After going through chemotherapy a second time when her cancer came back, Stacey noticed it was more difficult to hear people talk. She had to learn to read lips so she could communicate with others and found herself having to turn up the TV louder. After 10 years of chemotherapy, Stacey had to go on permanent disability because her hearing loss had become so severe. The pandemic took away her ability to read lips as everyone was wearing masks so she decided to reach out to the Miracle-Ear in Titusville, FL. After her hearing was tested, she discovered that she needed hearing aids. When Stacy determined she couldn't afford hearing aids, her hearing care specialist recommended she apply to the Miracle-Ear Foundation. With the Gift of Sound from the Miracle-Ear Foundation, Stacey cried when she could hear all of the simple sounds that everyone takes for granted. The wind, the birds, pages turning in a book. She says "Everyday I hear new sounds and still amazed with this gift."

Stacy looks forward to being able to hear all of the small sounds that make life so special from the wind, the birds, pages turning in a book. She says "Everyday I hear new sounds and still amazed with this gift."