Wade's Story

Wellsboro, PA

Wade struggled with hearing loss for several years. However, as his hearing worsened, it severely impacted his ability to communicate with his family and friends. He reported that he could not hear others during conversations, and he constantly had to ask people to repeat themselves. Growing frustrated with his situation, Wade decided to reach out to Miracle-Ear in Wellsboro, PA. Hearing Instrument Specialist, Rik, tested Wade and confirmed his need for two hearing aids. Rik quickly determined that the cost of hearing aids was out of Wade’s reach and suggested that he apply to the Miracle-Ear Foundation. Wade was approved and received donated hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare. Wade has noticed major improvements in his life since receiving his new hearing aids. Communication with his loved ones has become much easier and he is able to be a part of the conversations he has missed so much over the past few years. Wade is grateful for Rik and the Miracle-Ear Foundation for providing him with the Gift of Sound.

Wade is grateful for Rik and the Miracle-Ear Foundation for providing him with the Gift of Sound.