Marla's Story

Walterboro, SC

Marla suffered from severe hearing loss for many years and, unfortunately, broke and lost her previous hearing aids. Due to her hearing loss, Marla was unable to communicate with others. She did not talk at all, and others struggled to get her attention during conversations. She lost her job, and unfortunately, was displaced from her home due to a house fire. Concerned and upset with Marla’s situation, a friend suggested Marla seek help for her hearing. Marla sought help from other hearing providers, but ultimately reached out to Miracle-Ear in Walterboro, SC. The Miracle-Ear team wanted to help Marla regain her hearing and rebuild her connection with her family and friends. They suggested Marla apply to the Miracle-Ear Foundation, which was able to provide her with the Gift of Sound. As soon as she put on her hearing aids, the sound of the hearing instrument specialist’s shoes clacking on the floor brought a smile to her face. The Gift of Sound brought Marla and the Walterboro Miracle-Ear team to tears. Marla’s boisterous and humorous personality shone through as she was able to fully participate in conversations. Now, Marla can find a job and rebuild her home without relying on others. She is strengthening her relationship with her children and her friends who have taken care of her and supported her through this tough time. The Miracle-Ear Foundation is proud to have given Marla a piece of her life back.

Marla is so appreciative that the Miracle-Ear Foundation has given her a piece of her life back.