Shirley's Story

York, PA

Shirley has been struggling with hearing loss for many years. She was getting so frustrated not being able to hear her friends and family, she felt like she was missing out on important things in life. She was tired of asking everyone to repeat things to her. Seeking support, she decided to visit Miracle-Ear in York, PA for an evaluation. During her evaluation, Shirley was tested by Miracle-Ear Hearing Specialist, Paula, who confirmed the need for hearing aids. Although she needed hearing aids, the cost was out of her reach. Paula suggested she apply for assistance from the Miracle-Ear Foundation. Shirley was later approved and fitted with donated hearing aids as well as life-time aftercare. Thanks to Paula and the Miracle-Ear Foundation, Shirley can hear her family and friends better. She is so thrilled with her new hearing aids and can't wait to enjoy life again with her improved hearing.

Shirley can't wait to spend quality time with her loved ones again. She is so thankful for the Gift of Sound.